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¿Cómo es tu rutina diaria? / Talking About our Daily routine in Spanish

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¿Cómo es tu rutina diaria?

Talking About our Daily routine in Spanish

In this post, we share the most common activities related to our everyday routine. They’re divided into what we usually do in the morning, the afternoon, and at night. Everyone has a different routine, but hopefully, after reviewing this post, you can talk about some simple activities that you do every day, in Spanish.  

Remember to check out our 45 most important verbs in Spanish for beginners

The following table has some of the most common activities we do in the morning. 

Por la mañana
In the morning
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Wake up
Get up
Take a shower
Get dressed
Tomar café
Drink coffee
Leer el periódico
Read the newspaper
Have breakfast
Ir a trabajar
Go to work
Salir de casa
Leave the house
Tomar el autobús
Take the bus
Tomar el tren
Take the train
Tomar el metro
Take the subway
Empezar a trabajar
Start work

This next table has some of the most common activities we do in the afternoon.

Por la tarde
In the afternoon/evening
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Have lunch
Terminar de trabajar
Finish work
Ir a casa
Go home
Caminar a casa
Walk home
Llegar a casa
Arrive at home
Ir al gimnasio
Go to the gym
Hacer ejercicio
Do exercise
Ir a clases de español
Go to Spanish class

In this last table, we have some of the most common activities we do in the evening or at night. 

Por la noche
At night
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Ver la televisión
Watch TV
Revisar el correo electrónico
Check your email
Hacer la tarea de español
Do your Spanish homework
Have dinner
Sacar al perro
Walk the dog
Take a bath
Lavarse los dientes
Brush your teeth
Irse a dormir
Go to bed
Los fines de semana
On the weekend
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Hacer el quehacer (doméstico)
Do housework
Ir de compras
Go shopping
Pedir una pizza
Order pizza
Lavar ropa
Do the laundry
Ver a los amigos
See your friends
Salir a tomar algo
Go out to have a drink
Salir a un restaurante
Go out to a restaurant
Salir a un bar
Go out to a bar

In this post, you’ve learned how to talk about your daily routine, including activities you do in the morning, afternoon, evening, and at night.  If you want to learn more activities, we recommend looking at our grammar lesson on Reflexive Verbs, which includes a lot of verbs related to daily routines. Also, check out our post on Days of the week, months, seasons, and other expressions of time to add more context to your daily routine.  

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