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Ser Conjugation: How to Use the Verb “Ser” in Spanish

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Ser Conjugation: How to Use the Verb “Ser” in Spanish

To be


In Spanish, the verb “ser” translates to the verb “to be” in English and is used to talk about permanent states and situations. What do we mean by permanent? When we say permanent, we mean states and situations that don’t easily change, and therefore, represent intrinsic or essential characteristics or qualities related to people, places, and things (for example, I am from Spain, these are my brothers, the homework is easy, etc.)

Note: We must differentiate “ser” from “estar”, which we use to talk about more temporary states of being. Both verbs can be translated as “to be” in English.

Check out our section on The Verb “Estar”.

Remember, “ser” is an irregular verb:

To be
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Yo soy
I am
You are
Él es / Ella es
He / She is
Usted es
You are (formal)
Nosotros somos / Nosotras somos
We are
Ustedes son
You are (plural)
Ellos son / Ellas son
They are

Below we have several examples of how the verb “ser” is used. Remember, what all of these examples have in common is that “ser” describes inherent, permanent states and situations. For example, where someone or something is from never changes; who we are doesn’t change from one day to the next; the day of the week can’t suddenly change from Monday to Tuesday, etc.

Make sure to check out the post “Ser vs Estar” to learn more about how “ser” is used.
To say who we are:
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Él es Antonio.
He’s Antonio.
Ellos son Pablo y Luis.
They are Pablo and Luis.
To say what we do and to name an affiliation to a group:
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Marina es enfermera.
Marina’s a nurse.
Yo soy médico.
I’m a doctor.
Esos estudiantes son comunistas.
Those students are communists.
Mi tía es católica.
My aunt is Catholic.
To describe someone, either their personality or their appearance:
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Camila es simpática y graciosa.
Camila’s likeable and funny.
Yo soy un poco tímida y seria.
I’m a bit shy and serious.
Mi primo Roberto es alto y delgado.
My cousin Roberto is tall and thin.
To say where we and people are from:
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¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from?
Yo soy de Ecuador.
I’m from Ecuador.
¿De dónde son ustedes?
Where are you from?
Nosotros somos de Monterrey.
We’re from Monterrey.
With people and objects to indicate relation and possession:
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Ella es mi hermana.
She’s my sister.
Esos libros son de Josué.
Those books are Josué’s.
To talk about seasons, months, dates, and days of the week:
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Es primavera.
It’s spring.
Es mayo y hace calor.
It’s May and it’s hot.
Hoy es jueves 12 de mayo.
Today’s Thursday May 12th.
To say the time:
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Es la una en punto (1:00).
It’s one o’clock.
Son las cuatro y media (4:30).
It’s half past four.
To talk about what something is made of (material):
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La bolsa es de papel.
The bag is made of plastic.
Los juguetes son de plástico.
The toys are made of plastic.
To talk about inherent qualities:
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El mar es inmenso.
The sea is immense.
Los guepardos son rápidos.
Cheetahs are fast.
In different expressions and idioms:
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Es bueno aprender cosas nuevas.
It’s good to learn new things.
Es interesante.
It’s interesting.
Es increíble lo que ha pasado.
It’s incredible what just happened.

QUIZ: The verb “ser” in Spanish

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb “ser”.
1. Eso muy aburrido.
(That’s very boring.)
2. las cuatro de la tarde.
(It’s four o’clock.)
3. Yo Arturo.
(I am Arturo.)
4. El niño muy travieso.
(The boy is very naughty.)
5. ¿ hija de Raul (tú).
(Are you Raúl’s daughter?)
6. Amalia y Rubén profesores de francés.
(Amalia and Rubén are French teachers.)
7. verano en Chile.
(It’s summer in Chile.)
8. Esta olla de cobre.
(This pot is made of copper.)
9. Ellas Dulce y María.
(They are Dulce and María.)
10. Esta casa de mi tía.
(This house is my aunt’s.)
Choose the correct form of the verb “ser”.
1. Yo ________ bajo y tengo el pelo oscuro.
2. Él ________ mi hermano.
3. Tú ________ eres actríz?
4. Mis vecinos ________ cristianos.
5. Mis abuelos ________ de Ciudad de México.
6. Ella ________ mi mejor amiga.
7. ¿Usted ________ de Panamá?
8. Mi sobrina ________ muy agradable.
9. ¿ ________ estos tus marcadores?
10. Tú ________ de un pueblo pequeño.
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