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En mi ciudad / Places around town in Spanish

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En mi ciudad

Places around town in Spanish

This post contains lists of words related to typical buildings and places commonly found in cities so that you can find your way around town.

*Remember! Try learning the words together with their article: “el” (masculine singular) or “la” (feminine singular)!

Check out our lesson on Articles and Agreement in Spanish

To start, let’s learn different buildings that you might find around town to help you navigate the city. 

En la ciudad
In the city
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La casa
The house
El departamento
The apartment
El edificio
The building
El hotel
The hotel
El hospital
The hospital
La escuela
The school
El parque
The park
La iglesia
The church
La catedral
The cathedral
La fábrica
The factory
La plaza
The plaza/The square
El ayuntamiento
The city hall/The local government
La estación de autobús
The bus station
La estación de tren
The train station
El aeropuerto
The airport
La estación de policía
The police station
La estación de bomberos
The fire station
La parada de autobús
The bus stop
El auditorio
The auditorium
El estadio
The stadium

We’ve also included different types of stores you’d see too.

Las tiendas
The stores
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El mercado
The market
El supermercado
The supermarket
La tienda de abarrotes
The grocery store
La farmacia
The drug store
La zapatería
The shoe store
El centro comercial
The shopping center
La tienda departamental
The department store
La librería
The book store
La papelería
The stationery shop
La florería
The flower shop

You might encounter different names for what we call a convenience store or corner store in English.  For example, in Mexico, it’s a “tienda de abarrotes” but in Central America, a “pulpería”.

Next, this list covers different eateries and places to get a drink.

La comida
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El restaurante
The restaurant
El bar
The bar
El café
The coffee shop
La cafetería
The cafeteria
La panadería
The bakery

This table includes other types of services you might find in a normal town.

Otros servicios
Other services
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El consultorio médico
The doctor’s office
El consultorio dental
The dentist’s office
El banco
The bank
La oficina de correo
The post office
El estacionamiento
The parking lot
La gasolinera
The gas station

Then we have leisure activities people like to do in the cities.

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El teatro
The theater
El museo
The museum
La galería de arte
The art gallery
El gimnasio
The gym
La biblioteca
The library

Finally, here is some important vocabulary that can help you give or get directions. Remember, in many parts of Latin America, there are few street names and people often use landmarks to give directions (like 2 blocks from the palace, the street that passes the bridge, etc.)

Vocabulario importante
Important vocabulary
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La calle
The street
La cuadra
The block
La banqueta
The sidewalk
La carretera, La autopista
The highway
El puente
The bridge
La torre
The tower
El castillo
The castle
El palacio
The palace
El templo
The temple

Now let’s put some of this new vocabulary into practice with these examples.

Conversaciones en contexto
Conversations in context
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—¿Hay una panadería en esta calle?
Is there a bakery on this street?
—Sí. Hay una a dos calles de aquí.
Yes, there’s one two streets from here.
—¿Vives en una casa o en un departamento?
Do you live in a house or in an apartment?
—Vivo en un departamento.
I live in an apartment.
Practice sentences
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El estacionamiento está lleno.
The parking lot is full.
El palacio es del siglo XVI.
The palace is from the XVI Century.

In this post, we’ve covered all of the important places you might find around town, as well as some basic vocabulary to give directions in a city.  If you haven’t seen our grammar lesson on the Verb “Estar”  now would be a good time to learn it so you can talk about locations in Spanish.  Also, see our vocabulary post on Useful Expressions  so you can continue to expand your Spanish speaking abilities. 

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