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Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

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Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Yo me levanto a las 7:00


Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject (someone or something) does an action to itself. These verbs are very common in Spanish and they often correspond to English verbs that work with “oneself”, such as “To Teach Oneself, To Introduce Oneself, To Injure Oneself, etc.”


So how can we recognize them in Spanish? Easy. These verbs end in “se”: irse (to leave), sentarse (to sit), bañarse (to take a shower/to bathe), quedarse (to stay).


These become two-word verbs when we conjugate them. We add a reflexive pronoun that changes depending on the person:

Personal pronoun
Reflexive pronoun

These reflexive pronouns go after the subject and before the verb:

levantarse (to get up)
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Nosotros nos levantamos temprano todos los días.
We get up early every day.
(Yo) me llamo Sofía.
My name’s Sofía.
(Él) se llama José.
He’s name is José.
¿Cómo te apellidas (tú)?
What’s your last name?

Notice that some reflexive verbs have very specific meanings in English (and don’t necessarily translate to an action we do to “ourselves”) like quedarse – to stay or apellidarse – to tell your last name).

Common reflexive verbs related to our daily routine.

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wake up
get up
take a shower/take a bath
lavarse los dientes
brush your teeth
lavarse la cara
wash your face
lavarse las manos
wash your hands
get dressed
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¿A qué hora te levantas?
What time do you get up?
Normalmente me levanto a las 7:30 a.m.
I usually get up at 7:30 a.m.
Mi esposo se afeita por la mañana.
My husband shaves in the morning.
Los niños se lavan los dientes tres veces al día.
The children brush their teeth three times a day.

Note: when using the reflexive verb “lavarse” in combination with a body part, like “lavarse los dientes”, don’t say, “los niños se lavan SUS dientes” but rather “los niños se lavan LOS dientes”.  Because the verb is reflexive in Spanish, we don’t need to show possession like we do in English (the children brush THEIR teeth). 

We recommend visiting our article on The 45 Most Important Verbs in Spanish for Beginners.

How well do you know reflexive verbs in Spanish? Take our reflexive verb quiz below. 

QUIZ: Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. ¿Ustedes por la mañana o por la noche? (bañarse)
(Do you take a bath in the morning or at night?)
2. Yo por las mañanas luego de desayunar. (vestirse)
(I get dressed in the morning after having breakfast)
3. Mi hermano siempre de ropa cuando llega del trabajo. (cambiarse)
(My brother always changes his clothes when he arrives from work)
4. Yo siempre a las 7:00. (despertarse)
(I always wake up at 7:00)
5. Él Rodrigo. (llamarse)
(His name is Rodrigo)
6. ¿A qué hora usted? (levantarse)
(What time do you get up?)
7. Los niños las manos antes de comer. (lavarse)
(The children wash their hands before lunch)
8. ¿Cómo Gustavo? (apellidarse)
(What’s Gustavo’s last name?)
9. Mi madre por las noches. (ducharse)
(My mother showers at night)
10. Yo la cara antes de acostarme. (lavarse)
(I wash my face before I go to bed)
Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
1. ¿Cómotu papá?
(What’s your dad’s name?)
2. Mis hijos siemprelos dientes después de comer.
(My children always brush their teeth after lunch)
3. Elvados veces al día.
(Elva showers twice a day)
4. Los domingostarde.
(We get up late on Sundays)
5. Mi novio nuncala barba.
(My boyfriend never shaves his beard)
6. Ellas desayunan,y luego
(They have breakfast, they take a bath and then they get dressed)
7. ¿Usted,temprano entre semana?
(Do you wake up early on weekdays?)
8. ¿TúFernández?
(Is your last name Fernández?)
9. Yoel pelo cada tres días.
(I wash my hair every three days)
10. Ellospara relajarse.
(They take a bath to relax)
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In this lesson, you learned what reflexive verbs are in Spanish and how to conjugate them.  Reflexive verbs indicate actions that the subject does to itself, and are used frequently to describe our daily routine.  These verbs always become two-word verbs, with a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos) placed after the subject of the sentence and before the conjugated verb.  The main verb then follows normal conjugations rules.   Now that you know how to conjugate reflexive verbs, check out this vocabulary post to start talking about your daily routine. Don’t confuse the verb “gustar” with reflexive verbs, learn about “Gustar”

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