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¡Muchas gracias! / Useful Expressions in Spanish

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Useful Expressions in Spanish

¡Muchas gracias!

One of the first things you should do when you start to learn Spanish is to understand and memorize different expressions people use all the time (different ways of greeting people, asking for things and saying how we feel or ways of wishing someone well). So take the time to learn these different idioms and expressions. They are incredibly important since they are used all the time. 

To start, here are some general expressions often used to be polite.  

Expresiones generales
General expressions
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Thank you
Muchas gracias
Thank you very much
De nada
You’re welcome
Por favor
Que tengas un buen día
Have a nice day
Que tenga un buen día
Have a nice day (formal)
Mucho gusto
Nice to meet you
Pleased to meet you
De acuerdo

Next, here are some expressions to apologize for something.

Para disculparse
To apologize
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Lo siento
I’m sorry
Lo siento mucho
I’m very sorry
Excuse me
Excuse me (formal)

This next set of expressions are used frequently in conversations.  

Otras expresiones
Other expressions
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Of course!
Cheers! / Bless you!
¡Buena suerte!
Good luck!
Por supuesto
Of course
No te preocupes
Don’t worry
Dios mío
My God
No lo sé
I don’t know
No lo creo
I don’t think so
Estoy de acuerdo
I agree
No estoy de acuerdo
I don’t agree

The following expressions are useful for when we don’t understand or when we’re having trouble communicating. 

Cuando no entendemos
When we don’t understand
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¿Me lo puedes repetir, por favor?
Can you repeat that, please?
¿Me lo puede repetir, por favor?
Can you repeat that, please? (formal)
¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor?
Can you speak more slowly, please?
¿Puede hablar más despacio, por favor?
Can you speak more slowly, please? (formal)
¿Cómo se dice “coffee” en español?
How do you say “X” in Spanish?
No entiendo.
I don’t understand.
¿Cómo se escribe? ¿Cómo se deletrea?
How do you spell that?
¿Qué significa “school”?
What does “X” mean?
No hablo español.
I don’t speak Spanish.

*Use the verb “poder” (can, to be able) to ask for something or to offer yourself to do something or help someone. It’s a more polite way of asking for things.  Keep in mind, in English, usually, you’d use “could” to convey this politeness.  But as you can see with these examples below, in Spanish, it’s not necessary to use the conditional tense, just the Present Simple is fine.

Learn more about Present Simple

Use “puedes” if it’s an informal context or “puede” if it’s a formal one.

En contexto
In context
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¿Puedes venir, por favor?
Could you come here, please?
¿Me puede ayudar, por favor?
Could you help me, please? (formal)
¿Te puedo ayudar en algo?
Can I help you with anything?

Now that you know these useful expressions you should be able to navigate daily life in Spanish a little better. If you haven’t seen our post on “Tú” vs “Usted” we recommend you check it out now to learn more about formal and informal speech in Spanish.  You can also learn more about Greetings in Spanish.

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