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Plural Forms of Nouns in Spanish

The plural in Spanish is very similar to the plural in English. In general terms, we simply add an “s” to the word we want to pluralize. Nevertheless, there are some irregular plurals which follow a different pattern. We’ve divided them in 5 simple rules or guidelines.
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Spanish Imperative

The imperative form is used to give orders, give instructions, ask a favor and ask for advice. You’ve probably seen it in Spanish textbooks in phrases like “lee” (read), “escribe” (write), “repite” (repeat) or “escucha” (listen). Or maybe on the street in typical expressions such as “¡Mira!” (Look!) or “Oye” (Listen).
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Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject (someone or something) performs an action on itself. These type of verbs are very common in Spanish and they correspond to English verbs such as to teach oneself, to introduce oneself, to injure oneself, etc.
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